Icom 706mkiig Serial Numbers

Welcome To KC8ILP's Poor Ole Broken Icom 706mk2G Serial Number 14866 Pictures Page. Here you will find a Link to pictures ( At the bottom of this page ) of my poor. From July 199 QST © ARRL Table 1 ICOM IC-706MKIIG, serial number 01674 Manufacturer’s Claimed Specifications Measured in the ARRL Lab Frequency coverage: Receive.

Icom Ic 706mkiig Problems

>Does anybody know of a 5 or 6 KHz wide AM filter >for the Icom 706mkiig rig? The standard 8 KHz >filter is way too wide. Somebody once suggested >using a filter from another Icom rig and plugging >it in to one of the unused optional filter slots >in the 706. Has anybody done this, and if so does >it work?

Take a spin in the initial set mode filter menu and see if there is a selection for an AM filter. I don't remember one being available.

If none are available the 706MKIIG will not know to select that path when in AM mode. So that would mean changing out the soldered in filter to one of a narrower bandwidth. Gary K8IZ Washington State Resident Registered Linux User # 312991. Quote:>You'd have to pick a filter that uses the same IF frequency. Different >Icom rigs use different frequencies. >What about listening to AM broadcasts using LSB or USB mode? >-=- >Alan AB2OS >On 09/06/03 05:10 pm Leland C.

Scott put fingers to keyboard and >launched the following message into ***space: >>Does anybody know of a 5 or 6 KHz wide AM filter >>for the Icom 706mkiig rig? The standard 8 KHz >>filter is way too wide.

Somebody once suggested >>using a filter from another Icom rig and plugging >>it in to one of the unused optional filter slots >>in the 706. Has anybody done this, and if so does >>Autocad Lt 2009 Download Deutsch here. it work? >Leland- There is an FL-102, 6 KHz 9 MHz IF AM filter listed in an old catalog for the IC-775DSP. AES has it still listed, but as discontinued. Since this radio uses some of the same 9 MHz filters, it might be possible the FL-102 would be compatible with the IC-706 if a) you can find a place to put it, and b) you can find a way to select it while in AM mode. I have the original IC-706 with a narrow sideband filter installed. When in AM mode, it is possible to select a 'NAR' filter, but I'm not sure if it is choosing the stock SSB filter, or the optional narrow SSB filter.

I suspect it is using the stock filter, but haven't done a test to find out. I suppose the easiest case would be if the FL-102 fits in place of your original AM filter. Starter 4 1 Siemens Center there. 73, Fred, K4DII.

ICOM Serial Numbers ICOM Serial Numbers (1/1) James Benedict: Anyone know month & year manufacture of this IC-706MKIIG SN# 20108? Gerry Pement: Your Icom IC-706MKIIG must be a recent one my IC-706MKIIG is serial 4900 ballpark and I bought it in April of 2000. Judging by the IC-735 production figures mine was in the 29000 region and I bought it in 1991 the 7th year of its production run I think final production figures were close to 40,000 for that rig.

Icom 706g is in it's 4th year of production already and is a great little rig. I think Icom just use the sequential method of serial no#s starting with the first one in production to the last one for the model # I hope that helps 73 Gerry James Benedict: Tnx for info. I believe ICOM keeps their serial numbers secret. Yaesu date codes their serial numbers. Brian Palmersheim: Here is the info I received via email from Icon when I asked them the same question. Good Morning, There is no cipher means used in the units Serial number. -----Original Message----- From: Brian Palmersheim Posted At: Friday, May 17, 2002 9:50 PM Posted To: Amateur Conversation: Serial Number Subject: Serial Number Is there a way to decipher a serial number on a 706MKIIG to determine manufacture date, run (production/lot) number, and the serial number?

Is there a format like Yaesu? Thanks, Brian Palmersheim - 73's de KB0ETC Brian Palmersheim: Here is the info I received via email from Icon when I asked them the same question. Good Morning, There is no cipher means used in the units Serial number.