Facerig Beta

Facerig  Beta

Awesome people, Updated FaceRig 1.0 Release Schedule We are approaching one year since we’ve first started the FaceRig project back on IndieGoGo, where all our awesome backers helped us get the project off the ground. With your support, FaceRig has already brought a lot of smiles, laughs (and tears) to people all around the world before even being ready. We are working hard to ensure it will continue to do so, better with each program update. Since its Public Beta on the 29’th of August, FaceRig has evolved quite a bit.

Due to your testing efforts (and our fixing efforts) it is now more stable and more enjoyable. It has also gained new content and functionality. We’ve read and taken to heart a lot of your suggestions. For FaceRig to be in line with our vision for the 1.0 iteration, we still need to focus on several key areas and features: • A better interface, that better exposes all the program content and functionality in a more intuitive manner (for instance: thumbnail-based avatar browser) • Better Virtual Webcam Compatibility (with more chat programs – especially 64 bit versions). • Improved performance on lower specced systems (low and high level optimizations, offloading more CPU tasks on the GPU, and/or by offering better control over L.O.D. Systems) • The Special Actions Editor (the module that lets you customize special actions such as fire-breathing on a dragon being triggered by a certain expression, ears twitching on an anthro avatar, or shooting the Space Commander Shoulder Gun) • The Time-Line Editor, allowing performance clean-up and touch-ups on a recorded performance, before exporting it as a movie.

• Better documentation and support of the custom content import process. • More compatibility testing. All these unfortunately won’t be ready in December with a sufficient amount of polish.

Facerig  Beta

FaceRig demo - (2:37) Currently at an early stage in development, FaceRig.com lets anyone with a webcam digitally embody any character they want. If you'd like to.

That means we can’t (in good faith) put the 1.0 sticker on FaceRig just yet, because even if it is functional, it is simply not “there” as we had envisioned it. Of course, if we were the “quick cash-in” type, we could have called it 1.0 anyway, rushed the above improvements, and sold it as finalized in December for Christmas, but that path just feels wrong. We are focused on quality, so we’d rather admit to estimating wrong, sell less in December, but do a better job developing the program overall. Of course FaceRig will continue to be available just as it is now and will be improved, the only difference from the original plan is that it will still be called a Beta in December, January and February. The immediate upside to this for the FaceRig Community is that the program will continue being discounted by 33% for a few months still, as we stand by our promise that while FaceRig is in Beta / Early Access, the 33% discount applies. The version that we will have at the start of March will most likely be the official 1. Inner City Big Fun Acapella Mp3. 0 “gold” version.

Goes without saying that the improvement effort does not stop at 1. Singer Merritt 9608 Sewing Machine Manual here. 0, it continues just as much, but it also branches on to other platforms. I hope you understand that keeping FaceRig in Beta for a few months to increase the quality is done out of respect for the FaceRig users and that a hasty release this December would have generated more sales short-term but it would have been deceitful towards the FaceRig community. We all know what happens when a program is called “1. Vista Home Premium here. 0” before actually being ready, just for the sake of releasing earlier for more sales. We hope that calling it a Beta for two more months won’t dim your enjoyment of the program, and we apologize if this change causes you any distress:).